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Gilbert Finally Discovers Why He Hasn’t Been Gilbert – Palm, Meet Face.

June 27, 2011

Take your palm, now slam it against your forehead. Facepalm. Do it 25 more times.


OK, now read the following tweets from Gilbert Arenas:

Now by me making you give yourself 25 facepalms, I ultimately saved you probably at least 30 minutes of continuous disbelief and head shaking.

My gut reaction when reading this was to get mad at Gilbert for being, well… Gilbert. But the blame is not with him. Not in the slightest. He is a basketball player that goes and plays basketball. I’m assuming that someone told him that the cold was causing him arthritis.  Even if they weren’t, they sure didn’t stop him, and the media, from believing that it was.  Gilbert has been back from his knee injury since March 28th, 2009 minus the Gunbert incident which cost him half of the 09-10 season. So in over two years, he either was not told or did not choose to believe that he wasn’t healed properly.

Both the Washington Wizards and the Orlando Magic had a pretty strong vested interested in getting Arenas back to full health (he sort of makes a lot of money).  How could they miss this? How could two entire training staffs fail to realize that Gilbert was firing off the wrong muscles  when it took him 1.5 seconds to realize that Mike Bibby was burning past him?

I’d like to think that the team(s) were just caught up in the season and failed to capture what was truly going on, but it’s really hard to believe. Even if Gilbert ignored the trainers statements telling him that his leg muscles weren’t where they needed to be, the organization has the ultimate responsibility to make sure it’s asset is taken care of and for a lack of a better word, fixed.

The Magic (and the Wizards) training staff dropped the ball on this big time. Bottom line.

The good news for Magic fans is that HOPEFULLY the Hibachi will be back and better than ever come training camp in October.  He seems to be committed to his recovery plan, including staying off the court for a few months, and that could mean the Magic might potentially have a new starting PG come late October.

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  1. June 27, 2011 7:39 PM

    Seriously…I am shaking my head as well…

  2. Steve J permalink
    June 27, 2011 8:05 PM

    grant hill all over again…training staff doesn’t do well with getting guys back from major injury.

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